A temporary guardian is an individual appointed by the court to take care of the personal needs or manage the property of an alleged incapacitated person for a limited period. The appointment is typically made when there is a foreseeable danger to the health and well-being of the person or a risk of waste, misappropriation, or loss of their property.
The court's order appointing a temporary guardian will specifically list the powers and duties of the temporary guardian, which are limited in the same manner as those of a permanent guardian. The temporary guardianship is intended to last only until a permanent guardian is appointed or the court issues a final order.
To learn more about Article 81 guardianship cases, contact the Law Office of Tamara I. Jordan P.L.L.C. at (212) 804-5763.
The Law Office of Tamara I. Jordan P.L.L.C. handles Article 81 guardianship cases in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx.