An Article 81 guardianship case in New York involves the appointment of a guardian for a person who is determined to be incapacitated or in need of a guardian and unable to manage their personal needs or property.
The court must find that the appointment is necessary to provide for the personal needs of the person, such as food, clothing, shelter, health care, or safety, or to manage the property and financial affairs of the person. The purpose of this guardianship is to provide the necessary assistance while ensuring the least restrictive form of intervention, thereby allowing the individual to retain as much independence and self-determination as possible.
The appointed guardian is granted only those powers necessary to assist the incapacitated person, and they must act with the utmost care, diligence, and loyalty.
To learn more about Article 81 guardianship cases, contact the Law Office of Tamara I. Jordan P.L.L.C. at (212) 804-5763.
The Law Office of Tamara I. Jordan P.L.L.C. handles Article 81 guardianship cases in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx.